The Womanhood Program is designed to help women involved with the Criminal Justice system. Weekly guest speakers presented interactive lectures or workshops that offered guidance, community resources, and helped to create a pro-social environment to help empower these women and lead to a more productive life.

Some topics include:
- Art therapy
- Anger management/conflict resolution
- Community service projects
- Domestic violence and self defense
- Education success
- Financial Literacy
- Franklin County reentry services
- Mindfulness
- Nutrition/cooking on a budget/gardening
- Resume Job skill building
- Saving money/finances
- Self care / healthy relationships
- Substance abuse/Narcan training
- Women in recovery
- Women’s Health
- Yoga

The Franklin Foundation for Community Justice supplied the funding for the Womanhood Program’s community service project, where the women made blankets which will be donated to a children’s shelter.